Nutritionist, broadcaster and best selling health author, there are few areas of life that Amanda’s not turned her hand to. Particularly passionate (and qualified) in terms of nutrition as well as the ins and outs of gut health, there’s little she doesn’t know about getting a good gut feeling!
When she’s not out and about utilising her long list of talents, Amanda’s busy helping run a healthy household – making her the ideal spokeswoman to dish out some family specific gut health advice.
Amanda has filmed some exclusive video content with us to help anyone looking to promote healthy gut habits in their home. She talks about everything from fun ways to get your kids in the habit of treating their guts well, tips for gut health when you’re at the mercy of a busy schedule and her go-to foods for keeping your gut happy and healthy.
‘More and more people are beginning to cotton on to just how important gut health is. I’m proudly Scottish and have always been a huge fan of oats and oatcakes, so naturally I’m delighted to have the chance to team up with Nairn’s to help spread the word on the best practices of getting those good gut feelings.’
Find out more about the benefits of oats here.